
Just a nice hobby. C#, Python, WPF, Tekla API and something more

In Tekla Structures you cannot colorize your model by profile by default, so I written this application that creates representation filter using profiles that being used in model.

You can set colors by profile and/or by plate thickness and it helps to visually control models and check them for mistakes.

Application is written in C# using MVVM Pattern and WPF system. During development of the application I've learned a lot about C#, .NET, color models, Tekla API.

Application was downloaded more than 1000 times from more than 70 countries.

 RCP Drawings Releaser

Album of structural drawings can contain hundreds of drawings. When releasing new album revision, only some of drawings being changed and published. 

But it is always need to have a full album, that contains all latest drawings. A lot of time was being spent to complete the full album using right versions.

I've created an application that solves this issue and automates the process.

Drawing Releaser application: